The EDUCADO Placement Cell

At EDUCADO – THE LEARNING AVENUE, we understand that the ultimate goal of education is to pave the way for a successful career. That’s why our Placement Cell stands as a beacon of opportunity, offering a guarantee of employment upon completion of classroom training and On Job Training (OJT) or Industrial Training.

Ensuring Career Readiness

Our Placement Cell is committed to ensuring that every student who walks through our doors emerges not just with knowledge but with the skills, confidence, and connections needed to thrive in the competitive hospitality industry. We go beyond conventional placements; we craft career pathways that align with each student’s aspirations and strengths.

Industry Connections That Matter

EDUCADO boasts a strong network of industry partners, including prestigious 5-star hotels, renowned restaurants, event management firms, and hospitality establishments worldwide. Through strategic collaborations and meaningful engagements, we create opportunities for our students to showcase their talents, gain hands-on experience, and secure coveted positions in top-tier organizations.

Personalized Career Guidance

Our Placement Cell doesn’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We offer personalized career guidance and counseling sessions, helping students identify their career goals, refine their resumes, enhance their interview skills, and navigate the job market with confidence. Our dedicated placement officers are committed to nurturing each student’s potential and guiding them towards fulfilling and rewarding career paths.

Empowering Success Stories

The success stories of our alumni stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our Placement Cell. From entry-level positions to managerial roles, our graduates have secured positions of prominence and leadership in renowned hospitality establishments worldwide. Their achievements inspire us to continue empowering aspiring professionals and shaping the future leaders of the industry.

Guarantee of Excellence

When you choose EDUCADO – THE LEARNING AVENUE, you’re not just enrolling in a training institute; you’re investing in a guarantee of excellence and success. Our Placement Cell is dedicated to turning your career aspirations into reality, ensuring that you step into the professional world fully prepared, confident, and ready to make your mark.

Industry partnerships and collaborations

Ready to start your journey? Contact us now !


Meghnad Saha Sarani, Ward 2, Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri, Mallaguri, West Bengal, India



+91 93328 81018

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